Product Q&A is a simple and useful Magento extension that helps customers ask questions about a product from the ‘product view’ page.
Features in Brief
How it works?
Product Q&A allows a user to ask questions about a particular product from its ‘product view’ page. There will be a form in “Q&A” tab using which users can send queries to the admin which can be seen at “Product Q&A => Manage Product Questions” section in the back-end. After reviewing the question, Admin can answer it and permit the viewer to see it in Q&A tab in ‘product view’ page. If the question is irrelevant, admin can delete it.
Features in Brief
- Allows customers to ask question about a product from the product view page
- Shows the FAQ of a product in the product view page
- Permits admin to change headings of Question Form and FAQ
- Fully responsive layout
- Uses prototype and hence no conflicts
- Easy to install and manage
- User-friendly interface
- Enables Management through backend